The Wisconsin group guy model uses trusted nonprofit organizations to find and educate dozens of customers to install solar. This approach reduces marketing, customer acquisition, and solar equipment costs, and the savings are passed on to the new solar customers.
Chequamegon Bay Group Buy
Cheq Bay Renewables plans to offer a residential and small business solar group buy opportunity to area home owners and businesses in 2018. A group buy approach helps lower the cost of solar installations for each participant. By collectively installing solar at the same time, it’s more cost-effective for the installer and the saving gets passed on to participants.
Glacial Heritage Solar
Offered by Heart of the City, Sustain Jefferson, and the Midwest Renewable Energy Association, property owners throughout Jefferson County, Wisconsin and the Glacial Heritage Area may participate in this program to pool their buying power and secure significant discounts that make installing solar more affordable.
RENEW Wisconsin works on behalf of the City of Madison to administer the MadiSUN Solar Programs to increase the number of residences in the City of Madison with solar systems. The Group Buy for Rooftop Solar program allows residents to use collective buying power to bring down the cost of a solar installation, while having the opportunity to get all questions answered by experienced installers. MadiSUN also works with Summit Credit Union to offer a Solar Loan Program to make going solar more affordable.
Sheboygan County Solar Group Buy
The purpose of a group buy program is to save time and money on solar installations for homeowners in Sheboygan County to support our region’s transition to clean, renewable energy.
Sierra Club Solar Group Buy
The purpose of the group buy is to help shift Wisconsin from fossil fuels towards clean, renewable energy. Sierra Club’s John Muir Chapter and Pewaukee-based SunVest Solar have teamed up to extend this solar group buy across the entire state of Wisconsin.
Solar Sauk County
Offered by Sauk County Conservation, Planning, & Zoning, UW-Extension, Sauk Area Conservation Awareness & Action (SACAA), and the Midwest Renewable Energy Association, property owners throughout Sauk County, Wisconsin may participate in this program to pool their buying power and secure significant discounts that make installing solar more affordable.
Southeast Wisconsin Solar Group Buy
The Southeast Wisconsin Solar Group Buy simplifies the decision-making process and reduces the cost of solar-electric installations for homeowners and small businesses in Racine and Kenosha Counties. Organized by the Energy Committee of Greening Greater Racine, SWSGB’s mission is to facilitate the sustainable clean energy future in southeast Wisconsin.
In cooperation with the Waukesha County Green Team, the Waukesha County Solar Group Buy has partnered with SunVest Solar to encourage the growth of renewable energy by offering savings on solar photovoltaic systems. As more people participate in the program, the more everyone will benefit through incrementally reduced costs.
2017 was a great year for Wisconsin Solar Group Buys, with local communities installing over 1,000 kilowatts of solar!