Energy Concepts, Inc., a Hudson, WI based Renewable Energy Engineering Firm is seeking a part time summer intern.

We would like to expand and improve our social media outreach, blogs, and other electric media efforts. (facebook page, twitter, yelp, photos on flickr).

Ideal candidate has marketing and communications background, great oral and written skills and some interest or knowledge in the renewable energy field. (interest being the key).

This position also includes assisting liason staff member in our office to organize community events and support with other marketing efforts.

Please apply by Monday, May 17, 2010.

Approximately 15 hours/week, salary depends on experience, position starts immediately.

Please apply by May 17, 2010. Send resume and letter of interest to Kathy Tarr at

Contact Kathy at 715 808-1385 (cell) or 715 381-9977 (office)