For Immediate Release – September 26, 2012
Contact: Kristin Ruesch or Matthew Pagel (608) 266-9600
PSC Upcoming Public Hearings
MADISON – The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) will hold two public hearings in Southeastern Wisconsinon regarding the Wisconsin Electric Power Company and Wisconsin Gas (WEPCO) request to adjust its electric and natural gas rates.
Citizens are encouraged to attend the hearings, which will be held at the following locations and times:
Monday, October 1, 2012
1:00 p.m.
Ambassador Inn
Marquette Room
2301 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Monday, October 1, 2012
6:00 p.m.
Best Western Plus Midway Hotel and Suites
Underwood I Room
1005 South Moorland Road
Brookfield, Wisconsin
Customers attending either hearing may provide written or oral comments. If customers cannot attend a public hearing, but would like to provide comments, an online participation option is available on the PSC’s website at through October 1st. Participants should click on the “Public Comments” button on the PSC’s homepage and click on the case title.
The hearing locations are accessible to people in wheelchairs. Anyone requiring accommodations to participate should contact Docket Coordinator Candice Spanjar at 608-267-9537
Documents associated with WEPCO’s application can be viewed on the PSC’s Electronic Regulatory Filing System at Type case numbers 5-UR-106 in the boxes provided on the PSC homepage, or click on the Electronic Regulatory Filing System button.