From an article by Larry Bivins in the Wausau Daily Herald:

WASHINGTON — Despite concerns over whether China and other nations will allow emissions inspections, Congress should pass legislation to reduce the release of greenhouse gases in the United States, Gov. Jim Doyle said Wednesday.

In a conference call from Copenhagen, Denmark, where he is attending an international climate change summit, Doyle said legislation to reduce emissions was too critical to the nation’s economic growth to let die in the Senate.
“We better seize the moment,” Doyle said.

Since arriving in Copenhagen on Monday, Doyle said he has met with dozens of government officials from around the world.

On Wednesday, Doyle announced that he and Manitoba, Canada, Premier Greg Selinger have agreed to host bilateral workshops on building a green economy, following up on a memorandum of understanding signed in October.

The United Nations Climate Change Conference began Dec. 8 and is scheduled to end today. World leaders hope to agree on a plan for reducing emissions.