This morning, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that three of Governor Evers’ budget vetoes are unconstitutional. Included in the three budget vetoes was the allocation of $10 million of Volkswagen Settlement Funding for electric vehicle charging infrastructure. RENEW has been working with partners and the Department of Administration to determine the most effective use of this $10 million since the state budget passed last July.

We are extremely disappointed with this setback. We had hoped to see this money spent over the next year to build a comprehensive network of charging infrastructure that would allow Wisconsinites to easily and confidently drive anywhere in the state with an electric vehicle.

There is a silver lining: Volkswagen Settlement Funds are strictly allocated based on a federal settlement that stipulates this funding must be spent to reduce diesel and gasoline emissions. RENEW will continue to fight to ensure this money is reallocated to electric vehicle charging infrastructure, as we believe this is the best way to support the transition to a clean, homegrown transportation system.

For more information, see RENEW Wisconsin’s previous blogs about Volkswagen Settlement Funding:

July 3, 2019 • Governor Evers Signs Budget Designating VW Money to Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

May 31, 2019 • Electric Charging Station Funding Takes Another Ste

March 6, 2019 • Volkswagen Settlement Update

October 22, 2018 • The “Volkswagen Settlement” – A Big Opportunity for Electric Vehicles